References from Hampath authors
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Olivier Cots
Joseph Gergaud
Cotcot: conditions of order two, conjugate times;
Bocop: the optimal control solver.
control toolbox: This toolbox intends to gather the efforts from BOCOP and Hampath project into a coherent and interoperable ensemble of high level codes.
- ct is an ADT project at Inria Sophia in AMDT mode, developed since 2019 by members of Inria Saclay Commands team, of the APO team from Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, and of McTAO team, with the help of Inria Sophia SED.
- Keywords: optimal control, direct transcription, shooting, automatic differentiation, differentiable programming, interoperable codes
- Visit the project website for download and documentation.
Others References
[-] A. Agrachev and Y. Sachkov, Control theory from the geometric viewpoint, volume 87, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Springer (2004).
[-] E. Allgower and K. Georg, Introduction to numerical continuation methods, (2003).
[-] B. Bonnard and J. Caillau and E. Trélat, Cotcot: short reference manual IRIT, (2005).
[-] B. Bonnard and M. Chyba, Singular Trajectories and their role in Control Theory, vol. 40 of Mathematics and Applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2003), xvi+357.
[-] A. Dervieux and L. Hascoet and V. Pascal, Tapenade.
[-] E. Hairer and G. Wanner, Dopri5.
[-] Pierre Martinon and Joseph Gergaud, Using switching detection and variational equations for the shooting method, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Wiley, Vol. 28 N. 2, p. 95-116. (mars 2007)
[-] H. Maurer, Numerical solution of singular control problems using multiple shooting techniques, Journal of optimization theory and applications, (1976).
[-] L. Watson and M. Sosonkina and R. Melville and A. Morgan, HOMPACK90: A suite of Fortran 90 codes for globally convergent homotopy algorithms, (1996).